About Hilton

"Mayday.... Mayday....Mayday "

There's something weird, isn't there? Didn't you hear? Didn't you see? Didn't you feel it?

As you can see, I'm on the edge. And my excitement is at level 10.

So I have to channel my energy for a better interpretation of my environment and my space.

My first chance: I landed at Indie's World after my rescue near the Hilton Hotel, I was very young, I don't remember how I ended up there. I had no serious injury and my health was OK.

My second chance: right now, a dog trainer is taking care of cases like me at the shelter and there are high hopes that I will find a deserved serenity. And yes, there is a job to do... I'm all in!

If you want to give me some time, that's ok but if you believe in me and my departure is imminent, you'll have to keep training.

I'm a very interesting loulou and I'm pretty hot as a guy.😏 You'll have to be curious and want the same thing as me to be in total symbiosis.

Love & Trust are my words for the future....

• AGE: 1,5 years old
• GENDER: Male
• WEIGHT: 15 kg⁣⁣


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